EventX Life Sciences
Crossroads in healthcare
Florence, 8-9 October 2024
EventX Life Sciences - Crossroads in healthcare is a life science international event, a crossroads between research, clinical, market, innovation and health.
In the scenic spaces of the Stazione Leopolda, on October 8 and 9 2024, healthcare stakeholders will explore partnering opportunities and discuss technological approaches and solutions developed and under development to address the challenges and opportunities in the current and coming life science scenarios.
In EventX LS you will find:
- One-to-one meetings: meeting sessions between all the stakeholders in the life science value chain (companies, research institutions, clinicians, investors, service providers, institutions, clusters), managed through the event networking platform.
- Conference over the two days of the event, in which, starting from the research topics being developed in the Tuscany Health Ecosystem project, experts and professionals will discuss upcoming and future solutions and technologies between prevention, diagnosis, treatment, patient and healthcare facility management.
- Thematic workshops: seminars on life science trends, hot topics and innovative solutions
- Exhibition area: area where you can learn about expertise, products and services from partners and exhibitors
- Pinwheel Pitching Stage: EventX LS will host the final part of StartUp Breeze, in which Startup Breeze finalists will compete in front of investors and industry professionals.
Have a look at the Conference and workshops program here.
EventX LS is promoted by Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, in collaboration with Tuscany Health Ecosystem (THE) partners, Confindustria Toscana and the Enterprise Europe Network, life science Italian national Cluster ALISEI, Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero, Clust-ER Industrie della Salute e del Benessere (Clust-ER Health, Emilia-Romagna life science cluster) and other relevant players in the sector.
EventX LS is realized within the activities of spoke 5, the project “THE - Tuscany Health Ecosystem”, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4, Component 2 Investment 1.5, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
How to join
Registration to EventX Life Sciences - EventX LS is easy. Through the b2match platform is possible to register for all the EventX LS activities (workshop, conference etc.) besides the partnering component, EventX LS PE 2024.
Registration deadline is: 01 October 2024, h 13:00
If you have never participated to b2match event before, just click the registration button and create your account on the b2match platform, entering your e-mail and password ticking the box to agree to the b2match Terms of service and Privacy policy.
You will receive a request for e-mail verification, and then you can create your profile,filling in all the necessary information. Dont' forget to read the and EventX LS PE 2024 privacy policy and terms of service.
If you participated in previous life sciences b2match events, you may have received an invitation to join EventX LS PE 2024. Following the link in the invitation, the system will recognize you and ask for the password (reset is possible if you don't remember, just click Forgot password), and import data from your b2match profile.
- Completing your profile for activation
Once you verified your e-mail or accepted the invitation to participate again you will be asked to choose your participant type between Partnering participation, for those interested in pre-arranged one-to-one meetings (see EventX LS Partnering Event - EventX LS PE) and possibly in workshops/conference, or Conference/workshops participation (for those interested only in workshop or conference attendance).
Once chosen the participation type, you will be prompted to check and complete your profile, your contact person and your organisation details (only if choosen Partnering participation), set your time zone and to plan your attendance (see below). Being an in presence event, choose Event time zone, in order to view correctly the agenda schedule.
If you selected Partnering participation, please, provide a clear description and correlation in your profile organisation regarding your expertise in the life science domains of the event (pharma, medical devices, digital health, nutraceutics, healthcare). Specific projects, requests or offers can be described further as marketplace profiles (see below).
If a participant within the same organisation already registered, the organisation will be suggested in the dropdown menu of Organisation name. When selecting an already existing organisation, the participants don’t have to select organisation type, description, website and logo, as this information have been previously pre-filled.
Registration of a second, separated profile of participants from the same organisation (different registration, different contact person) is possible. Please consider that the two participants will carry out meetings in a separated way in respect to the other members of the organisation. Be aware that modification of the organisation description from one organisation member profile changes the description for all the organisation members.
If you are part of a large organisation, like a university, big research center, big company, and your activity is specific and different from other labs/units in your organisation (as in common for researchers at a university), don't simply use "University of .." as the name of organisation, but differentiate your the profile in respect to other labs/research group at your organisation. In that regard, you should register with an organisation name field such as:
Lab/Research group name or acronym - Possibly department or institute name acronym, Research organisation name, much better if an acronym can be used (such as UNIPI, CNR, INFN etc).
Biosensors Lab - Dept of Biology, Univ. of Oxford
Jones group Lab - Institute of Neuroscience, but better IN-CNR
Rossi Genetics Lab - UNISI
Acronym explanation should be given in the description.
Description has to clearly reports your expertise, products, services or connection to life science domains. It has to provide enough information to make the other participants understand waht you are offering or looking for at the event, but it should not be very long. Marketplace profiles can be used to better describe specific projects, results, products, services, infrastructures (see below).
This way your profile can have its own visibilty and it can be modified without problems in respect to other lab or department of the same organisation.
Choose existing organisation name ONLY if you have common activities and common marketplaces, as those are going to be grouped together the organisation profile.
If needed, as the meetings are carried out through the internal video call system , it is possible to invite to the meeting also not registered guests. See here for details.
- Attendance and meeting availability
You can skip the definition of your availability during the
registration, but it essential to set and check your attendance
approaching the event, in order to maximise the possibility of having
Meetings availability is separated from workshops or conference selection.
Meetings: you can define and edit your meeting attendance from the participant profile, menu on the left, under participant photo, My availability entry (you find only meetings there), or you define it under Meetings (top bar menu, on the right) and click on Availability.
Workshops and conference: anything else other than meetings can be selected/unselected under Agenda in the top bar menu. Agenda section is divided in Event Agenda, with all the event components, workshops, conference, final event of Startup Breeze, including the meeting sessions grouped by day (clicking Add will make you available for meeting for all the time slots in that day). On the other hand, My Agenda shows you only the non meeting component that you have selected, not the meeting sessions.
- Profile activation
Your profile will be checked by the organisation staff. You may be contacted by the staff or your Enterprise Europe Network - EEN supporting office if something is missing, is not clear or to suggest improvements in order to maximize the visibility and impact of your profile. Your profile has to clearly show your involvement in the life science value chain (pharma, biotech, medical devices, nutraceutics, digital health), otherwise the profile won’t be activated and you will be asked for integration/clarification.
If everything is fine, your profile will be activated and made public
to everyone, and you will receive an e-mail informing about the
activation. You can update your profile, attendance, account settings
and add other Marketplace entries at any given time. Remember to press Save at the bottom of the page after any changes.
TIPS: your profile (organisation description and, in particular, Marketplace entries) should describe in a clear and concise manner who you are, what you can offer or you are requesting from potential partners and who you want to meet, in order to generate meaningful meetings. Take the most from the event visibility and complete your profile as soon as possible!
- Creating & Editing marketplace opportunities
The Marketplace is a great place to showcase all your business and collaboration opportunities and find the perfect partner at an event.
You are strongly advised to create one or more Marketplace opportunities (product, service, partnership, project cooperation, investment opportunity, generic request).
NRRP projects/activies can be described here, with title of the project, acronym of NRRP initiative (i.e. THE as Tuscany Health Ecosystem), related spoke. The description should end with the classic aknowledgement to NRRP " ..NRRP....funded by European Union - NextGenerationEU"
In your profile, menu on the left, under participant photo, My opportunities entry will bring you to your organisation marketplace. To add a new one, just click the blue button "Add an opportunity" on top the right, and provide the requested information. You can edit and integrate the opportunities created any time.
It is possible to add images, files and share videos in their Marketplace entries. Files that can be uploaded to the Marketplace are: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .gif and .png. The maximum upload limit for the files added in Marketplace entries is 22 MB.
For Investment opportunities:
- for investors, please add details about the size and criteria of investment, specific sector (if any), stage of development of the desired target, possible geographical limits of the investment.
- For companies (startups, PMI): please add details about the size and use/goals of the investment needed, time for return of the investment and any other data that can help the potential investors understanding the value of the investment proposal.
Marketplace profiles are searchable and connected to organisation profile and they enable participants to list their offer and request items and to search for the suitable business partners by these items. Therefore, they represent a more effective way to provide information on business offers or needs than the organisation description, and specify types of collaboration sought, enhancing the chances to find suitable partners.
Cancellation of participation
If you have to cancel your attendance to EventX LS PE 2024, go to the bottom of your profile page and click the orange link "Cancel participation" at the bottom right of the page. If you have booked meetings, you should cancel them providing the other participants info on how to proceed with the established contact.
Please, contact also the organisers to inform them about your cancellation.
Organisers cannot undone your cancellation. You can do that accessing your profile and choosing a session in the Agenda section.
EventX LS is realized within the activities of the project “THE - Tuscany Health
Ecosystem”, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4, Component 2 Investment 1.5, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
THE mission is to make Tuscany the "health region" by pushing life science stakeholders (research, companies, clinicians) developing applications and technologies to stimulate and support the growth and improvement of the healthcare ecosystem in Tuscany
About 1400 researchers are involved in THE with expertise spanning over a very broad range of areas, covering topics going from advanced radiotherapies and diagnostics in oncology, preventive and predictive medicine, advanced technologies, methods and materials for human health and wellness to nanotechnology for diagnosis and therapy, implementation and innovation for health and wellness, precision medicine and personalized health care, innovation in translational medicine, biotechnology and imaging in neuroscience, robotics and automation for health, and population health.